The Learning Center is Con Edison’s training, meeting, and conference center in Long Island City, New York. The facility has 35 classrooms, 39 laboratories, a library, auditorium, and cafeteria. The Learning Center offers more than 800 classes, covering technical courses, as well as skills enhancement and leadership development for Con Edison of New York and Orange and Rockland employees.
A full complement of EH&S training courses improve employee understanding of regulations, company policies, procedures, technologies, and operations. During 2012, nearly 12,000 employees received training at The Learning Center. In addition, safety-related training was provided to a number of local external organizations, including the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, the Port Authority of New York, other local utilities, and electrical and gas contractors.
Training coordinators within each organization work with management to determine exactly which training courses each employee should have. Several employees took advantage of the growing number of interactive distance-learning and web-based courses (especially certain annual refresher training courses) accessible through Con Edison’s internal training portal and the EH&S Connect website. Formal on-the-job training (OJT) is conducted for employees by each operating department using curricula developed by personnel from The Learning Center, Corporate EH&S, and operating departments. Available OJT courses cover safety considerations for a broad range of company operations.
At Orange and Rockland, the Environmental Health, Safety and Training Department provides safety training covering applicable regulatory standards in cooperation with local management. The department also coordinates safety seminars for public organizations, police academies, fire departments and rescue teams on safe practices when responding to emergencies at electric and gas facilities.
In an ongoing effort to improve the strength of Con Edison’s EH&S-specific training, the company formed the Training Evaluation Continuum (TEC) in 2012. The TEC is a holistic review and recommendation process for how EH&S is incorporated into procedures, and how the associated training is developed, delivered, retained, and applied. Each TEC review is performed by a cross-organizational team comprised of corporate subject matter experts, representatives from operating organizations who deal with the topic being reviewed, as well as instructors from the company’s Learning Center. The review is essentially a gap analysis where the team sets expectations for what procedures and training for that topic should contain and comparing the existing documents and courses to those expectations. At the conclusion of each review cycle, a final report is completed outlining the recommendations made by the team based on their observations and discussion. The review team also identifies metrics by which successful implementation of the recommendations can be measured. In 2012, a total of nine TEC reviews were completed with recommendations that are being evaluated and implemented throughout 2013.
“When you teach live, you get to meet everyone and learn all the different aspects of the company. You hear different stories from different departments, discuss it and learn.”