Ergonomics is a mechanism for promoting a healthy workplace by reducing the possibility of employees developing musculoskeletal disorders. By recognizing and reducing ergonomic stressors on the job site, in the office, and in between, Con Edison decreases the risk of soft tissue injuries in the workplace. Repetition, lifting, awkward postures and contact stress are examples of ergonomic stressors for our employees.
In each of the past three years the company has seen a significant decline in ergonomic injuries, and in 2012 we experienced 50 percent fewer ergonomics-related injuries than we did in 2011. However, we recognize that maintaining this level of performance will be challenging. It will require a new focus on risk reduction, enhanced trend analysis, and knowledge transfer among field personnel closest to the activities that can lead to ergonomics-related injuries.
In 2013, we will work to create this proactive risk-reduction focus by incorporating ergonomic considerations into our Job Safety Analysis (JSA) program. We will develop criteria for including ergonomic risk categories, and update or develop JSAs for those tasks that were initially deemed low risk for traditional injuries, but which would carry a significant risk of ergonomic injury.
To prevent the risk of soft-tissue injuries, we encouraged employees to stretch their muscles in the office and in the field.“Stretching always brings a renewed sense of relief and invigoration to my mind and body so that I can continue in my daily functions at full capacity.”