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Managing Our Legacy

Historic Liabilities

We believe firmly in the importance of remediating impacted sites when necessary, for the health of the community and the environment. Remediation requires a substantial investment of time, money, and natural resources as we remove, dispose of and replace impacted soils. Where feasible, we select remedies that reduce the amount of soil that needs to be removed from and replaced at our clean-up sites. We continue to explore treatment options that are in place, to avoid greenhouse gas emissions and costs associated with removing soils and taking them to landfills or other waste disposal facilities. When feasible and permitted by our regulators, we thoroughly evaluate the quality of soils as they are excavated, to retain as much clean material as possible for backfill.

When excavated soils must be disposed of, we take a portion to thermal treatment facilities. In these facilities, the soil is heated and organic compounds are vaporized and then combusted or otherwise removed. The treated soil can then be used at other locations as fill, reducing the amount of new, clean soil that needs to be taken from other locations for use.