EH&S Policy
Corporate Key Performance Indicators
Con Edison monitors its performance across a
wide range of metrics. In addition to the safety and environmental
performance indicators that are discussed in the Safety Performance and Environmental Performance sections of this
report, Con Edison monitors many company-wide, group-specific and
corporate-level performance indicators and metrics throughout its
regulated utilities and competitive energy businesses. Some of those
indicators include:
Employee development
- Management leadership development
- Employee leadership training completion
- Corporate, women in non-traditional careers, and executive mentoring programs
- Total e-training hours logged
- Employee promotional exam completion
- Employee business competency training completion
- Diversity job fair and recruitment event participation
- Equal employment opportunity case review
Customer focus
- Complaint response and call-answering times
- Customer satisfaction
- Meter-reading cycle
- Storm response
- Energy-efficiency and demand programs
Gas system
- Gas-odor complaint and gas-leak-repair response times
- Oil-to-gas conversions
Steam system
- Operation within normal pressure
- Production-forced outages
Electric system
- Electric network and non-network system availability
- Inspection and preventative maintenance
- Stray voltage testing
- Tree-trimming
- Paper-insulated lead cable replacement
- Transformer installations and circuit breaker retrofits
- Substation upgrades
Competitive energy businesses
- Retail commodity growth and profitability
- New order revenue and net income
- Energy-management net income
- Solar project pipeline development
- Collective renewable-generation development
Other O&M and capital programs and projects
- O&M and capital budgets and clearing
- Public improvement
- Aquatic life preservation
- Work management
- Resource planning
- Staffing attrition
- Cybersecurity