In 2011 the City of New York passed regulations phasing out the use of #4 and #6 heavy fuel oils. These fuel oils are typically used only by large buildings for heating purposes, but when the fuel is combusted, soot and smog-forming pollutants are released into the atmosphere. As part of the city’s goals to reduce local pollutant emissions and improve air quality, the city will stop issuing new permits for #6 heavy fuel oil by the end of 2015, and will do the same for #4 fuel oil by the end of 2030. Con Edison anticipates that many of these large buildings will want to convert their primary fuel source to natural gas supplied from the company’s gas distribution system.
Con Edison estimates that 70 percent of the buildings in New York City burning #4 or #6 heating oil are located within the service territory of its gas distribution system. New demand for gas services is creating opportunities for the company to grow our gas business, but it also poses challenges to the logistics of our operations and the management of our infrastructure.
To help manage these opportunities and challenges, Con Edison is tracking and setting annual goals for the number of customers who convert from heavy fuel oil to natural gas. In 2012 we worked with customers to convert 512 New York City buildings burning #4 or #6 fuel oil, surpassing the goal of 482 conversions. Our 2013 goal is to achieve an additional 643 conversions from #4 or 6 oil. From application to boiler ignition, our team is ready to meet the challenge of cleaning New York’s air. Please visit our Oil to Gas Conversion website for more information, including how to begin the gas conversion process for your building. In 2012, Orange and Rockland completed over 300 conversions for customers in their service territory.
“Con Edison is a crucial partner to the City of New York in helping meet its clean air goal. I am proud to be a part of that.”