Addressing Human Rights
Addressing Human Rights

At Con Edison, we are committed to respecting and protecting the human rights of everyone. Our Statement on Human Rights explains our position and commitments to respect labor rights, including the prohibition of forced and child labor.
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We conduct our business ethically, respectfully, and in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations. We prioritize the health and safety of not only our employees but also our contractors, communities and others we engage with. Con Edison supports the social supply chain standards and principles contained within the International Bill of Human Rights, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s “Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises”, and the International Labor Organization’s “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.”
Con Edison seeks to establish and maintain relationships only with entities that uphold our principles and values. Our recently implemented supply chain Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) program is intended to help screen all new and existing vendors to verify the supplier has their own Human Rights Policy or can attest to ours.
We continue to advance our efforts on diversity, equity and inclusion with the help of our Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Executive DEI Council, DEI Taskforce, and other DEI champions across the company. Based on our fundamental values and beliefs, this statement on Human Rights is a confirmation of our company’s commitment to respect the human rights of our employees, customers, suppliers, and communities. We require all our stakeholders to show compliance with these principles.
Our commitment to human rights is aligned with the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is reflected in our Standards of Business Conduct, our policies on Equal Employment Opportunity, sexual harassment, employment of veterans and people with disabilities, and our Vendor Standards of Business Conduct within our legal contracts. We require all our suppliers to attest to the Vendor Standards of Business Conduct and follow all laws and business practices that require minimum living wages, non-discrimination, and other areas that protect the safety and human rights of workers. Human rights violations by a supplier or partner will be addressed by our company with the goal of adopting corrective measures and, in cases in which such measures are not taken, the company reserves the right to discontinue or reconsider the respective commercial relationship.
Please use the following link for more information on our Human Rights Statement: Human Rights Statement | Con Edison, Inc.
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