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Company Profile

Company Profile

Company Profile

About Con Edison

Consolidated Edison, Inc. (Con Edison) is one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy-delivery companies, with approximately $15 billion in annual revenues and $66 billion in assets. The company provides a wide range of energy-related products and services to its customers through the following subsidiaries:

Read our Annual Report (Consolidated Edison, Inc. – Annual Reports (conedison.com).

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Our Service Area

Revenue by Business (Unit: USD Millions)


*On March 1, 2023, Con Edison completed the sale of all of Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses, Inc. (Clean Energy Businesses or CEBs). 
**Other includes the parent company, Con Edison’s tax equity investments, a deferred project held for sale and consolidation adjustments.

This report contains forward-looking statements that are intended to qualify for the safe-harbor provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements relate to, among other matters, our efforts, plans, goals, and strategies with respect to sustainability and environmental matters and the potential benefits to us and our customers from such efforts.  Forward-looking statements are statements of future expectations and not facts. Words such as “forecasts,” “expects,” “estimates,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “believes,” “plans,” “will,” “target,” “guidance,” “potential,” “consider” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements reflect information available and assumptions at the time the statements are made, and accordingly, speak only as of that time.

Actual results or developments might differ materially from those included in the forward-looking statements because of various factors such as those identified in reports Con Edison has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission including that Con Edison’s subsidiaries are extensively regulated and are subject to substantial penalties; its utility subsidiaries’ rate plans may not provide a reasonable return; it may be adversely affected by changes to the utility subsidiaries’ rate plans; the failure of, or damage to, its subsidiaries’ facilities could adversely affect it; a cyber-attack could adversely affect it; the failure of processes and systems, the failure to retain and attract employees and contractors, and their negative performance could adversely affect it; it is exposed to risks from the environmental consequences of its subsidiaries’ operations, including increased costs related to climate change; its ability to pay dividends or interest depends on dividends from its subsidiaries; changes to tax laws could adversely affect it; it requires access to capital markets to satisfy funding requirements; a disruption in the wholesale energy markets, increased commodity costs or failure by an energy supplier or customer could adversely affect it; it faces risks related to health epidemics and other outbreaks; its strategies may not be effective to address changes in the external business environment; it faces risks related to supply chain disruptions and inflation; and it also faces other risks that are beyond its control. Con Edison assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

Board of Directors

Audit Committee Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee Safety, Environment, Operations and Sustainability Committee Executive Committee Finance Committee Management Development and Compensation Committee
Tim Cawley Chair
Ellen V. Futter
John F. Killian Chair
Karol V. Mason
John McAvoy*
Dwight A. McBride
William J. Mulrow
Armando J. Olivera Chair
Michael W. Ranger Chair
Linda S. Sanford
Deirdre Stanley Chair
L. Frederick Sutherland Chair
Catherine Zoi**
Tim Cawley
Tim Cawley
Executive Committee Chair
Ellen V. Futter
Ellen V. Futter
Safety, Environment, Operations and Sustainability Committee
Executive Committee
John F. Killian
John F. Killian
Audit Committee Chair
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
Executive Committee
Management Development and Compensation Committee
Karol V. Mason
Karol V. Mason
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
Safety, Environment, Operations and Sustainability Committee
John McAvoy*
John McAvoy*
Safety, Environment, Operations and Sustainability Committee
Executive Committee
Dwight A. McBride
Dwight A. McBride
Safety, Environment, Operations and Sustainability Committee
Management Development and Compensation Committee
William J. Mulrow
William J. Mulrow
Safety, Environment, Operations and Sustainability Committee
Finance Committee
Management Development and Compensation Committee
Armando J. Olivera
Armando J. Olivera
Audit Committee
Safety, Environment, Operations and Sustainability Committee Chair
Executive Committee
Finance Committee
Michael W. Ranger
Michael W. Ranger
Audit Committee
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee Chair
Executive Committee
Finance Committee
Management Development and Compensation Committee
Linda S. Sanford
Linda S. Sanford
Audit Committee
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
Finance Committee
Deirdre Stanley
Deirdre Stanley
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
Management Development and Compensation Committee Chair
L. Frederick Sutherland
L. Frederick Sutherland
Audit Committee
Finance Committee Chair
Management Development and Compensation Committee
Catherine Zoi**
Catherine Zoi**
Safety, Environment, Operations and Sustainability Committee

Board of Directors

* Until May 15, 2023. 
** As of February 1, 2024.

Financial Highlights (million $ except per-share information and statistical data)




Operating revenues




Net income for common stock




Basic earnings per common share




Dividends per share




Dividend payout ratio




Average common shares outstanding




Total assets




Capital investments




Common equity ratio




Return on equity




Market capitalization




Stock price per share (year end)




Dividend yield (year end)




Total shareholder return




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