Customer & Community
Despite the upheaval created by COVID-19, employees at Con Edison and O&R answered the call to donate their own time and resources in the communities we serve. Keeping the health and safety of our workers and the general public top of mind, we engaged in many virtual volunteer activities throughout the year. We also maintained social distancing while working on various outdoor projects in our service area. To further enhance the quality of life in our communities, we continued to provide financial support, in-kind contributions and service on boards of hundreds of nonprofit organizations dedicated to the arts, environmental stewardship, civics and education.
In 2020, 163 Company employees volunteered a total of 1,256 hours at community events and programs in our service territory. Virtual events included mentoring and tutoring, mock interviewing and judging at constitutional debate programs. When health experts deemed it safe to gather outdoors, we cleaned up parks, planted tulips and enhanced public spaces that are essential to our neighborhoods. We are particularly proud of our efforts to provide help and inspire hope through volunteerism during a time that has challenged us as never before.