In 2015, we doubled our procurement of green products compared to 2014, with approximately $7 million of expenditures. This included items such as hybrid vehicles, low-carbon fuels, and recycled paper, toner, and carpets. We partnered with our vendors to reduce, reuse, and recycle various materials used by the company. Through our resource recovery program, we diverted close to $11 million of waste from landfills by focusing on products such as scrap cable, transformers, and paper. We collaborated with an electrical equipment supplier to implement process improvements that yielded over 700,000 pounds of reclaimed copper. We also awarded a contract to a women-owned logistics company that is helping us to reduce our carbon footprint by optimizing the efficiency of our inbound material deliveries. To identify best practices that can strengthen our sustainability program, we joined an industry working group that includes many of the nation’s largest energy companies.