Report Introduction

Letter from the Chairman Company Profile
Sustainability Strategy Awards & Recognition

Safety and Environment

Employee Health & Safety Public Safety
GHG Emissions Reductions - Introduction Air Quality/Non-GHG Emissions
Waste Management Habitat & Biodiversity
Electric Vehicles Oil to Gas Conversions
Water ISO Certification

Operational Excellence

Physical Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Ethical Business Practices
Climate Resilience Core System Upgrades
Supply Chain Governance

Customer and Community

Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration Distributed Energy Resources
Talent Attraction, Development & Retention Workforce Diversity & Inclusion
Training & Professional Development Volunteerism


Executive Summary Data snapshot

Operational Excellence

Climate Resilience


Key enhancements are being made to our core systems to help improve efficiency and overall resiliency during a major storm, and to reduce our environmental impact. Since Superstorm Sandy in October 2012, our systems have undergone a number of improvements to better serve our communities during extreme conditions—reinforcing perimeter walls, installing gates and floodwalls, and raising critical equipment. Also, to minimize customer area outages and improve operational flexibility, flood-prone locations are being reinforced to make sure we keep the power flowing during the most severe flood conditions.

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