Consolidated Edison, Inc., is one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy companies, with approximately $13 billion in annual revenues and $45 billion in assets. For more than 180 years, we have served the world’s most dynamic and demanding marketplace—metropolitan New York. We provide a wide range of energy-related products and services to our customers through two regulated energy companies and our competitive energy businesses (CEBs).
CECONY is a regulated energy company providing electric, gas, and steam service in New York City and Westchester County, New York. Last year, we added more than 3,500 Wi-Fi thermostats representing about 3.5 megawatts of power to help meet residential customer demands. We also installed nine multistage gas regulator stations, upgraded one regulator station, and installed more than 16 miles of gas main. And our steam operations connected five new customers, including the World Trade Center Transportation Hub.
O&R is a regulated energy company serving customers in a 1,350-square-mile area in southeastern New York State and adjacent sections of northern New Jersey and northeastern Pennsylvania. Last year, O&R developed an online, one-stop customer marketplace for energy-efficiency products and services, and became one of the nation’s first energy companies to test robotics to inspect live gas transmissions mains.
CES is a retail energy supply and services company. Last year, it launched a pilot program to lease high-efficiency solar systems to homeowners in New York State. It also awarded a micro grid, energy efficiency, and solar project in Stamford, Connecticut, and a project to develop energy efficiency proposals for seven U.S. Veterans Administration hospitals.
CED is a company that participates in infrastructure projects. Last year, it completed development and construction on seven projects, totaling 265 megawatts DC, and bringing total capacity of renewable projects to 933 megawatts DC.
CEE is a wholesale energy supply company. It installed $778 million in renewable energy projects last year.
CET is our newest company, which offers customers more diverse, low-cost energy supplies.